email: tel: +44 (0)20 3283 8777
A continuous quest for newer, better ways of working

Idea Group is an innovative UK business systems company specialising in the provision of smart technology to a range of industries.

We believe that the creation of effective business systems is the best way to attain results that are consistent, measurable and of lasting benefit to our customers.

Our software products are designed to enhance appreciation and understanding of the things that matter to our customers' businesses. Incorporating our software into their businesses helps our customers improve their market agility and associated margins.

The value we deliver to our customers is inherent in our five core values:

The journey from IT service provider to leading software systems house has equipped Idea Group with vast industry knowledge and expertise, enabling us to speak as an authority in our field.

We respond quickly and thoughtfully to new requests and challenges, we believe that solutions to complex problems should be as simple as possible and the premise that ‘questions are as important as answers’ is central to everything we do.

As a developer of IT solutions, Idea Group is on a continuous quest to provider newer, better ways of working.

We believe that a creative and questioning approach is the key to developing the most elegant and efficient technology solutions. Our business thrives in a thirst for new knowledge and understanding, and our solutions are customised to precise client needs.

A ‘can do’ creative and lateral-thinking mindset enables Idea Group to respond to challenges nimbly and with maximum efficiency.

We are practical and swift in our response to new projects, we are able to turn relatively obscure thoughts into coherent processes for development and we are fast to develop ideas and respond to changing client visions.

A spirit of openness and transparency is central to all of our dealings – internal and external.

We take care to explain concepts at an appropriate level, avoiding over-technical language and we always seek to provide clients with appropriate access to our knowledge and processes.

Idea Group is a collaborative and structured team which thrives on trust and mutual respect.

We believe that listening and learning are essential for developing a thorough understanding of customers’ issues and we combine our skillsets harmoniously as part of a cohesive efficient team.

Call Idea Group today, or download our case story to see how Prodigy might also benefit your organisation

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